“When you’re conscious and realize things, you start changing for yourself and your children not to experience generational trauma.”
Topics Discussed:
Letting go of limiting beliefs to connect with the source.
Surrender to make the space for your spirit baby to come to you.
“The trauma of just going through fertility struggles is enough to warrant needing rest and relaxation.”
Topics Discussed:
Learn to give yourself space and time to heal.
Surrender any shame or guilt you have about needing rest.
The importance of being open to the receiving aspect...
“There are so many emotional components to healing that if we don’t address those things, our healing can’t be complete.”
Topics Discussed:
The harmful impact of breast implants on your health.
The role of genetics on your fertility health.
Understand that healing is...
“When we listen, we wind up validating our bodies and what it’s trying to tell us and release the trauma.”
Topics Discussed:
How to shift your thought process to shift your reality.
Listen to your body to release the lingering trauma.
The benefits of the EFT tapping...
“No one has the answer for you; only you have the answer, and if you tune in to your body by slowing down, you can listen to your body, and it will tell you.”
Topics Discussed:
Trust your body and release negative energy to feel safe.
Using EFT to find negative energy and shift your...
“When people don’t understand infertility is not because they don’t want you in their lives anymore; they just don’t understand your situation.”
Topics Discussed:
Finding the root cause of your thyroid issues.
The difference an auto-immune paleo diet can make in...
“If you’re doing everything right, subconscious beliefs are your next area; you have to be willing and open.”
Topics Discussed:
Let go and let guidance take over.
Be willing and open to tap into mental& emotional awareness.
Use positive affirmation to shift your...
“Your present moment doesn’t dictate your future.”
Topics Discussed:
Understand that your feelings are valid.
Give yourself time and space to grieve.
Be with yourself, and don’t overthink your next steps.
Tap into yourself to find the answers you’re looking for.
...“Find that place inside of yourself where you really stop and then train yourself to create those moments throughout the day.”
Topics Discussed:
How your cortisol-stress phase can lead to infertility.
Find joyful moments in your day to reset your system.
Find what works for you to...
“All healing journeys have an opportunity for us to grow in some way as hard as they are.”
Topics Discussed:
How to turn your healing journey into a growth opportunity.
The importance of slowing down and surrendering.
How surrendering brings joy back into your life.
Do you realize...
50% Complete
🦩 Improve your egg quality​​
🦩 Reduce your chance of a miscarriage
🦩 Increase your chances of getting pregnant without drugs or expensive treatments