Emotional Connections to Food: Discovering the Secrets to Optimal Fertility Health with Stephanie Wilson


"I believe that most food intolerances are energetic anyways, but it's a really big step to say to someone, you're intolerant to a tomato and that's because of your father's BS."

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 Topics Discussed:

  • The energetic origins of food intolerances
  • Using high-quality food sensitivity tests for accurate diagnosis
  • The role of stuck emotions in perpetuating food intolerances
  • The process of emotional release and its impact on food sensitivities
  • Personal experiences with nightshade intolerance and overcoming food fears
  • Techniques like Psych-K, Emotion Code, and muscle testing to address emotional blocks
  • The importance of empowering oneself to intuitively navigate diet and health choices
  • Real-life stories of overcoming food-related trauma and emotional blocks
  • The journey of self-empowerment and conscious parenting

"I just started doing, you know, because I'm Psych-K trained, and there's a really good book you can do for yourself called the Emotion Code in the Body Code."

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Hello, Beautiful Souls, the voice of Monica is here to dive deep into the wild world of food intolerances—because who knew that your aversion to tomatoes might actually be your dad's emotional baggage? In this episode, we’re not just peeling back the layers of an onion, we’re digging into the very core of why that onion might be giving you trouble in the first place. No, it's not just about cutting out foods like nightshades because some diet said so; it's about the emotional and energetic blocks that are making your body rebel against what should be perfectly healthy foods. And let's not forget the part where we explore how your intuition plays into all this—yes, you might just be the next food whisperer. We'll chat about the power of Psych-K, Emotion Code, and even the art of muscle testing to unlock those hidden emotional ties that could be the key to unlocking better health. By the end of this episode, you’ll be ready to take charge of your health, ditch those food fears, and maybe even become that conscious mama the world desperately needs. So, grab your notepad (or don't, we’re all about intuitive listening here), and let's get into it!

 "I do believe there's... we can switch on and off intolerances that are created from an emotional state."


  • 00:00 - Thanks for watching!
  • 01:01 - "I believe that most food intolerances are energetic anyways, but it's a really big step to say to someone, you're intolerant to a tomato and that's because of your father's BS."
  • 01:30 - The value of high-quality food sensitivity tests and immediate results from eliminating triggers.
  • 02:00 - Diving into the emotional roots of food intolerances and the power of energetic healing.
  • 02:29 - Personal journey with nightshade intolerance and overcoming fears tied to food.
  • 03:27 - The role of Psych-K, Emotion Code, and intuition in addressing food intolerances.
  • 04:22 - The emotional connection to infertility and how it impacts food sensitivities.
  • 05:20 - The struggle of navigating food restrictions and the trauma tied to them.
  • 06:17 - How to use intuition when choosing the right diet and the challenge of pinpointing food intolerances.
  • 07:15 - The possibility of changing emotional states to overcome food intolerances.
  • 08:08 - Real-life example of emotional connections to food and how they manifest.
  • 09:04 - Can we change our genetics and switch off intolerances? The discussion deepens.
  • 09:54 - "It's all about alignment with your higher self and releasing emotions that no longer serve you."
  • 10:22 - The simplicity of emotional healing and the power of letting go.
  • 11:12 - The innate ability to heal emotionally and why society makes it seem more complicated than it is.
  • 12:09 - The importance of being in tune with your body and allowing emotions to be felt and released.
  • 13:25 - The role of coaches in helping you see past your own blocks and move forward.
  • 13:54 - Empowerment and the ultimate goal of becoming a conscious mama.

Full Transcript:

Thanks for watching!

Monica Cox is the top holistic functional fertility coach and solver of fertility issues. Using the combination of functional diagnostic nutrition and subconscious empowerment, she supports women in finding the root cause of their fertility issues to become the conscious mama they were born to be. She dealt with years of unexplained infertility, failed IVFs and survived several miscarriages before becoming an IVF mom and getting pregnant naturally, even though the doctor said there was nothing she could do to improve her situation.

Monica and I get into the details of it all today and you are in for a treat. Enjoy. How is that that you utilize testing? What do you have women test for if they're coming in for fertility? Yeah, so food intolerances is a big one because it just takes that guess workout.

I believe that most food intolerances are energetic anyways, but it's a really big step to say to someone, you're intolerant to a tomato and that's because of your father's BS, right? And moving through that. And that's the highlight of the show, folks. Yeah. It's a process, right? So I always meet people where they're at. And we're talking about time here, right? Sometimes it takes a while to move that energy.

So to know that you're intolerant to it. Yeah. I've never been introduced to that concept. I think that's really neat. Yeah. So for time's sake, find your food intolerances, utilizing a high quality food sensitivity test does it like that. It's worth the investment. When my clients do that and they get off, like I've had asparagus, meat, blueberries, like just random crap, right? There's always the top five food intolerances.

Um, but some people have to go deeper. They see results within weeks because that inflammation is gone and your body doesn't have to deal with it. So getting a high quality food sensitivity test. Now, during that process, if you're willing to even believe or not even to believe, I don't even think you have to believe in this. If you're willing to, um, do it and do the process of discovering the stuck emotion tied to that.

food intolerance, then that's a process of undoing that. And eventually, and I only got into this because I was highly intolerant to nightshades. Like that was like the last thing I found on my food journey, right? I got rid of glue and I got rid of all that stuff, but I was nightshades were my big thing. So I was AIP ish, you know, my version of that for almost 10 years and I was over it. Like I was like,

there's no way I have to live this way my whole life. We're talking about foods that are healthy. We're not talking about McDonald's or over processed stuff. I'm talking like I missed salsa. And so getting into the energetic stuff anyways, and just being open to like that this is a possibility. I just started doing, you know, because I'm psych K trained, and there's a really good book you can do for yourself called the emotion code in the body code.

And you just ask, you just ask your body and you're using muscle testing and you're using your intuition and these things, these layers just keep coming up and coming up. And so the last training I did with Psych K just a few weeks ago, it was all health and wellness and it's just digging into that emotional connection with those foods. And it was interesting because I had cleared the stuff for myself already, but I found myself when I went to go eat tomatoes, my whole body was tensing up.

Like I could feel the fear coming up. And so what came up in a session was that it was all tied to my infertility still. Because when I found out that I had that food intolerance was after my second miscarriage. So I used immune suppressing drugs. And because I was simultaneously going through this.

I found the autoimmune paleo diet. I knew I had a gut issues. I knew I had it in case also. I was like, I'm going to try this out. I got off the nightshades and I had one little symptom that I didn't think was a really big deal because I had improved so much already. That symptom went away in three weeks after cutting out nightshades. And so, because I didn't have the guidance and the support, I put myself in a fear state that if I ate nightshades that I would miscarry.

And so this last emotional release that I releasing that stress that I felt around eating nightshades because I did have like, I mean, it was a nightmare trying, I lived in the United Kingdom and trying to go to a restaurant and not have nightshades. So this, I'm not choking you, this burger came out and a piece of lettuce and I was paying like 15 pounds, right? So like $20 for this burger, like this patty and lettuce.

And I looked at, I cut open the burger and I could tell there was paprika in it. And I asked and they said yes, but I was with like some people I didn't really know, I didn't wanna make a scene. And so I ate it. And I was so scared that I was gonna miscarry because I didn't have the knowledge that that's not how it works. If you have one nightshade, you'll miscarry. But I did get that symptom back. So I still knew I was intolerant to nightshades, but I was using immune suppressing drugs and

I think at that stage I was actually very heavily pregnant so it wouldn't have affected it anyways, but I had that stored trauma. I had that like stress in my body still around so cleared that. So it's a multi-purpose layer. Sorry, we've gone off on a tangent now. But when you come to diet, using your intuition is hard because if you're not already practicing

practicing using your intuition for day-to-day life. Sometimes when you eat something, your symptom doesn't show up for three days. That was mine, right? I would eat nightshades and it'd be like three days later, I'd have constipation and then diarrhea, right? So sometimes it's really hard to pinpoint things down. So when it comes to diet and using your intuition,

I would say it would be a like when someone's like saying like juicing or keto or paleo or vegan or Mediterranean, if it is a like you just tap into your body, if it's a full body no, like that does not resonate with me. That's not your diet. I would say when it comes to individual intolerances, you have to be willing to practice muscle testing practice your intuition because you can't ask your body.

is the safe for me to eat. And then if it's a no, or you know, like, hey, when I eat dairy, I get messed up. That's when you want to start digging into the why. I do believe there's, I was working with a woman actually who had like a specific gene, like her mom was a carrier, her dad was a carrier, it came together and she cannot process fat in her body. Now look.

If we're down near Jesus Christ in Buddha mode, do I think you can change that gene? Probably. But we're not. We're not there. So we have to deal with what we're dealing with, right? And I said to her, I said, look, right now, what is that gene trying to tell you? And it came into control. She wanted to control her life and she wanted to have the cakes and she wanted to have all these things.

And I said, what if you change your attitude and we change the perception that those things don't control you anymore and you don't have to control them. So she was British actually. And I said, you just imagine yourself going into Betty's Tea Room. It's a very famous tea shop in York and you walk in and you're not bothered that you can't eat the cake. You're not bothered that you can't have the cream. That doesn't control you. And you live your life through that and

you know, having those, you know, levels up in Mario, you're getting there. Now, are we all going to ascend to Buddha this lifetime? Probably not. But can we move through our lifetime with peace around something possibly that we can't change? I don't, I don't think in the level of awareness and consciousness, we can all have these radical changes where we're growing feedback and you know, like

changing genetics that we were born with, but can we switch on and off intolerances that are created from emotional state? Absolutely. Why do people all of a sudden, I had a manager once who all of a sudden had a dairy intolerance. She was fine with dairy all of her life. And then after the birth of her child, which was quite traumatic, and I just made this connection now, she couldn't eat dairy anymore. It's not because...

of a sudden the universe was like, oh, I think it'd be fun to give you a dairy intolerance. Yeah, and what did you say the two books were? Sorry? What did you say the two books were that explain that more in depth? Oh yeah, so it's by the same author. I think he's got a third book out to the emotion code, but it's the body code.

Um, the emotion code and, uh, something is something in the code. I forget his name too. Sorry. I'm really bad with all those. Yeah, that's great. It's, um, basically like what it is and all these modalities, all of the modalities out there, whether it's like the eye rapid movement thing, the emotional freedom, tapping, psych K the body code, um, maybe even hypnosis. I've never done hypnosis. So I can't like positively say.

But what it is doing is getting you in alignment with your higher self, right? And higher self, and then you can go further with the super conscious God, whatever it is. And you are getting in tune and you are releasing the emotion. So the easiest book I think to start off with, with just even entering this zone of possibility is called Letting Go by Richard Dawkins.

It is the best book I've read and trust me, I've read over a hundred of these books that can simply tell you the importance of letting these emotions go, right? Whether it's a stress remote related or like an actual motion like anger or sadness or all that. It's very easy to do.

And everyone has this innate ability, but because of the society we live in, it's so easy that you don't think it's going to work. You're like, no, it's got to be hard. I got to go through years of therapy for this to work. Basically it's going back to getting in tune and slowing down and not being so busy. You act, you know, when we were kids, what happened? I was told, Wendy, the whiner wasn't invited. Big girls don't cry.

stop crying, stop crying, right? So you learn to suppress your emotion and it stays there. It doesn't leave your body, right? And you have, we all have to admit emotions are real, you feel them, you feel anger, you feel joy, you feel them in your body. And so the more you get in tune with your body, uh, the more you're going to allow your emotions to come up and actually feel them. And so it does get a little bit like in, in Psych K,

when we're doing like a transformation, we will say you might feel this more intensely before it goes away. When I used emotional freedom tapping, I had an incident that my practitioner, or the guy I was working with, he's like, you're at a level 10, I can't start tapping with you because you're gonna go higher.

until we get you down to like a level five and then we can tap so you can get back up to a 10, release and then you bring in naturally, you don't have, this is not like, I'm gonna bring in peace, right? Like you're not packing luggage. You're gonna naturally feel the emotion you don't want anymore, leave and the emotion you do want come in. So it does, you have to be prepared to feel it.

and then release it. And Letting Go is an amazing book to like start tapping into it. Emotion Code is an amazing book to read and start practicing muscle testing and that. And yeah, the modalities like Psych K and freedom tapping and all that are just great modalities for a coach to help you move through these processes. Because like I say, some people, I use coaches because I can't see my own BS.

Like, you know, you need support to call that out of you because your ego is never going to go away, right? As much as people are like, you know, I had an ego death. Well, absolutely not. The ego will always be there with you. It's going to keep you safe and protected. So any kind of change, your ego will come up. And that's why sometimes you just can't see the BS earlier rather than later too. You know, eventually you'll see it or feel it.

And we are sharing all of your links on this page today for anyone who wants to just delve in straight with you and you can guide them through and coach them through exactly what you're talking about without reading a book on their own, right? Yeah, absolutely. But I mean, my whole coaching now is empowerment. I really want you to come into my world for no more than a year. And that's a long time. Like I'd be happy with six months.

I'm really about how you can do this for yourself. Yes, you might need some guidance through a book, through a course, maybe if you want the one-to-one. But when you leave my world, you are ready to do these things on your own and you'll probably need another seeker, another mentor that's in a different dimension than I am. But the truth is, is that we all have this in us. It's all a little bit different.

The baby for me is the cherry on top. I know that most people who come to work with me, that's their ultimate goal. And I'm never surprised when they get pregnant. It does not surprise me. What satisfies me and what my mission is, is to empower you to become that conscious mama that we need here on earth and for your children.

Let's Do This Together 💚


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Anything written or said about health and diet are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Product recommendations are based on what I used during my infertility journey or wish I had.



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