Dealing With Hormonal Imbalances & Secondary Infertility

podcast May 13, 2022

“When you’re dealing with fertility issues and everything is fine in the doctor’s office, that’s when you have to start going inwards and get really real with yourself.”

Topics Discussed:

🦩 The hidden things that lead to stress and hormonal imbalance.

🦩 Impacts of reducing your inflammatory foods.

🦩 Having a less stressful diet.

🦩 Emotional modalities to prepare for a long-term fertility journey.  

How well are taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional stress levels when going through hormonal imbalance? If you’re experiencing hormonal imbalances and secondary infertility, it is important to check every stress level aspect that might be the cause.

In this episode of the Finding Fertility podcast, we talk about the possible causes of hormonal imbalance and secondary infertility. I explain how stress of any kind affects hormones and fertility health and how simple lifestyle changes can shift that.

Listen in to learn the importance of reducing inflammatory foods from your diet and listening to your body to improve your fertility health. You will also learn the importance of healing your past traumas to reverse your hormonal imbalance.

“Your fertility issues aren’t really necessarily what’s happened now, it’s been this combination leading up to it.”

Episode Highlights:

  • [3:12] How she went from easy pregnancies and births to recurring miscarriages.
  • [6:22] The hormonal tests she needs to do to understand her hormone levels and the way to go.  
  • [13:37] The importance of checking for stress even when you don’t exhibit the symptoms.
  • [18:29] How your past traumas and inflammation caused by your diet can affect your fertility health.
  • [24:29] Focus on a less stressful diet especially when in your healing mode for fertility.
  • [26:58] Start eating foods that maximize your gut health for hormonal and uterine lining health.
  • [31:57] Stop trying for a baby to heal and improve your chances of maintaining a pregnancy after several miscarriages.
  • [36:11] Turn every stone you can without the fear of failure to achieve your healthy pregnancy goal.

Listen here: Podcast Discovery Call 🦩 Deal With Hormonal Imbalances & Secondary Infertility

🌺 Download your FREE Guide: Top 3 Steps to Maximise Your Fertility That Your Doctor Isn't Talking About

🦩 Get Steps Closer to Getting & Staying Pregnant with EIGHT FREE DAYS within the Fertility Formula

Let's Do This Together 💚



Full Transcript: 

Hello beautiful and welcome to finding fertility. I'm your host, Monica Cox from finding And I created this podcast to help get you to start thinking outside of the box and realise that your infertility might have nothing to do with your lady bits rooted in functional medicine and personal experience. Finding fertility is all about looking at the whole body and finding the root cause of your infertility. Finding fertility does not diagnose, prescribe or treat any issues of infertility. But what we do is take a holistic approach and improve your diet and your lifestyle to get you steps closer to creating your dream family. Just by being here with me listening to this podcast, you're already going down the right path to making your dreams come true. Let's do this together. Happy Friday, all welcome back to another episode of finding fertility. I'm your host, Monica Cox. And today we have a podcast discovery call. Now what this means and what this is, is a little insight into what I do for prospective clients that want to get to know me a little bit more and how I help them discover the root cause of their fertility issues. So thank you, for those in the community that wanted to come on and share their story and get a little insight into their own journey. There's more information down in the show notes how you can be a part of this. So without further ado, here's today's special guest. Yeah, so thank you so much for coming on in wanting to share your story and really get down hopefully we'll find some clues to what is going on. But just um, just start off with sharing your fertility story first.

Sure. So um, my very first pregnancy ended in miscarriage. Pretty early on, though it was like eight or I think it was between eight and 10 weeks. And I had to have a DNC and I actually ended up with Angelman syndrome. So I had to have a surgery to get my uterus back opened up. But I was able to get pregnant with my first son like very quickly after I had the surgery, had no problems. Easy. Ish pregnancy, easy birth, all good. Same with my second son, when we decided to start trying, we were pregnant, I think in like two or three months. Real easy, all good. We go to try for baby number three, and a long time goes by 15 months, and then we finally get pregnant. And then I had a miscarriage at about six weeks. And that has been followed by five more miscarriages over the last year. Um, so we seem to have broken the not being able to get pregnant part. And now we just have to jump the hurdle of being able to stay pregnant. So that's kind of where we're at. I can't hear you. Is that my computer? Yours?

It's me. Sorry. I'm so sorry about all that you've been through the last year? It's um, that's a lot. It's a lot.

It is it? Yeah. Yeah, it's a lot.

Well, let's start with the question of do you feel that you've gotten the support through these miscarriages that you need? Or has it Brian have been just like, put your head down and get on with it, because you're a mom of two,

I have a really incredible I mean, my husband first and foremost is amazing support. I know sometimes this makes couples go apart. And I think it has only made our marriage stronger. And for him, I'm so thankful. I also have a couple of friends and my family who are very supportive and always willing to take a call from me when I just want to scream or cry or you know, anything. So that has been really helpful. I have had a lot of really great support. I don't know that I could have gotten, you know, woken up every day without all of them. So

I'm really glad to hear that. Yeah, yeah. Sometimes Sometimes we suffer in silence, right, or, yeah, we just get on with life and but yeah, it's, it's really important to take the time and honour your body and your feelings and your emotions. So I'm really happy to hear that for you. You know, dark times don't have to be as dark when we have that support.

So true. Yeah.

Okay, so that's the fertility story. I had a quick look at your form. It doesn't seem like anything blaring obvious so you don't feel like you're dealing with any health issues that might be contributing to this?

I don't think so. I did see an endocrinologist about a year ago now. And he said that most both my oestrogen and my testosterone were quite low. And so I've been trying to change my diet and take supplements to try and fix that. And I've since had them drawn again. But I don't know that I've had them drawn well, because it kind of matters, like what day in your cycle and where, but it doesn't seem like they're getting much, like super better. So that could be something but as far as like how I feel? I don't. I feel like I'm a very healthy person. There's nothing health wise that I feel is really off.

Okay. Yeah, I've been there. I've been the very healthy person that still hasn't managed, the only

thing I will say is, since I had my second son, my periods have been super, super light, which is not a complaint necessarily, because it's like, great, but it also doesn't seem quite right.

Yeah, it's Yeah, yeah. Okay, so with, with two little ones running around, we would do you feel like maybe your stress levels or time to yourself, or maybe even sleep has lacked in the last few years?

Not really, um, I went from working full time. And being a mom to being more of a stay at home mom. So like my work, stress kind of went away. We're living in an area now where we have family close by so I feel like I have good support. I don't feel like I'm stressed.

Oh, yeah, it looks like you're getting good sleep. Yeah. So my thing with your hormones would be because there's no obvious signs, right? Like, a lot of the times you can get these. My intake forms, this is just like a snapshot into what I do with my one on one clients or into the course and you're like, there's nothing obvious shit, like, where do we go? With your hormone issue, what I would probably suggest for you is to invest in the Dutch hormone test. I actually

just picked that up. I'm seeing a naturopath in May. And she just gave me that. So I actually got it this week. So I'm gonna do that. Like when my cycles the right time.

Yeah, yeah. Because that test is so in depth. And it's really going to show you what all your hormones are doing. And even gives you a little snapshot into some genetic issues. With conversion. It's just a really in depth test. And because you're already having like, like, it is obvious, like, you know, your hormones aren't out of place. One is not probably give you giving you the uterine lining,

that huge thing that I struggle with. Yeah.

And it's not giving you have you done. Have you used the proof test yet?

I haven't I took a look at it. You had emailed it out. So like, yeah, look at that when you did, but I hadn't actually done it,

I would have a look at that too. Because with the progesterone levels, usually what happens is they take you in at day 21. And they test your levels through a blood test. And then that's all that they look at. But what that test can help you see is if your levels drop off at day 22 Then you'll never know that from a day 21 test. So it really gives you a very good snapshot of what your progesterone levels are doing for the whole cycle. And it's one of the like, I think I think that company, not claims like, I'm sure they are right. It's like the number one issue for fertility is low progesterone levels.

Was that one that was allowed to be done in New York.

It is a it's it's a at home pee test. Oh, okay, so I just order it and you can just order it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know. New York is really funny. Yeah. I know.

That you've posted like are recommended, and I've looked at I'm like, Oh, I can't do it. I'm in New York.

Yeah. Yeah, with my clients that are in New York if they are able to have someone who lives out of state See, we can use their address. Okay, so if you can drive to them, get the test done there and then mail it back from there. That's how we work around New York. Okay. Yeah. But it is silly. But yeah, the proof test is, is basically they look like ovulation strips, okay, and you just do it at home, your pee on or you pee in a cup and you dip a minim. And it comes with an app to and it helps you see where your levels are at. And so you actually want to get it ready, because there's some baseline testing that you need to do before your period. And then you track your ovulation because you need to know when your ovulation is and then that's when you start testing your progesterone levels. So that would I would just do that. It's like 30 bucks. I sometimes feel like this fertility journey is so expensive. It's kind of like, it's just one more bucket. Yes. It's just a drop in the bucket. And it's just good information to have. Because it's just not something you're going to get through the doctor's office. And then yeah, the Dutch testing is going to be really beneficial for you too. And just make sure you have is that so that natural path is going to be able to read the results and help you get where you need to go on a holistic level, though.

I've never, I just found her via a Google search. Because you know how it goes. You just try like anything. And I hadn't tried that route yet. And so I spoke with her on the phone. And she recommended doing the Dutch test. And I just got it and then she said to make an appointment to follow up, I think in May. So the results can come back and everything. So I hope she has enough knowledge. I would hope she wouldn't, like prescribe, for lack of a better word, something that she can't

help decipher. No, I think she will for sure. Yeah. So within the course you can do the Dutch testing, and you can get your results. And if you need help reading them and whatnot, that's something that we offer as well. So if you feel like she's not doing what you need to do, like obviously reach out. So that's the first step I would go with you. The other thing that I would really look into his eye a lot of the time with there's two places you want to look when there's hormone issues. And that's stress, which you feel like you have under control, which the Dutch test will tell you. Control. So if your cortisol is like crazy high, you are stressed out. Because a lot of the time what happens is that the way that our society is set up, is they we don't realise how stressed we actually are. And it like being a working mom with one kid is stressful enough. Even if you feel like you have everything dialled in, it's still pretty impactful on your body. Right? Right. Were you pregnant while you were working? With your second? Yeah, yeah. Okay. So that's a whole nother like, issue within our society is that really with pregnancy? We want to be resting as much as possible because as you know, being pregnant is hard. It's a lie. Yeah, it takes a lot out of you. And because we are not necessarily presenting with symptoms that we are medically putting being put on bedrest for we think we're fine. And we keep going and we keep going. And then all of a sudden we have this birth, which is hardest fuck for many and really inflammatory and then it's not even really like you get like a rest after like, You got to take care of it. Um, so it's great that you're able to have the support around you. Hopefully you got care for your older one, and you know, all those things. But I think people just under estimate the impact of having two children having two pregnancies working, maybe even like some stress of COVID all those little hidden things massively add up. And it's really just being like honest, like, okay, maybe I'm not as stressed because I don't have crippling anxiety. Like society says you need to have to be on medication. But actually, it's been a long three years. The miscarriage alone can be very impactful. So there's probably little factors that have maybe added up. And you've just been able to get through them. And maybe you're comparing your journey to someone else who's having a harder time. And you might just think, like, well, I don't have it that hard. So therefore, I'm fine. Right? Because we do that a lot, right?

Oh, for sure. Yeah.

So there is a lot of inward looking, when you're dealing with fertility issues, and everything is fine. In the doctor's office, or borderline, you know, with these hormone issues, that's when you have to start going inward and just get like really real with yourself like, okay. Let's look back, because your fertility issues aren't really necessarily what's happened. Now, it's been this combination of leading up to it right, especially with secondary and third infertility. Like, it is, what your lifestyle was before. And then you probably didn't change much of your lifestyle during the pregnancies and the birth. That's true and having children. And so all that compiled on top of that, equals you've fallen off your fertility cliff, right, which could be hormone issues. I just want to double make sure that you've had everything checked out again, structurally down there, and do that feel everything's fine there?

Yep. I've had to, whatever they call it when they stick the camera up and check everything out inside your uterus. hysteroscopy or something like that? Oh, I've had two of those. And everything seems fine there. And I did do a couple of IUI. So they've like tracked my uterine lining and my ovulation and I'm ovulating fine. And my uterine lining is really terrible. So that's something I need to try and work on or I'm trying to work on. But yeah, I think everything structurally is sound

sound. Okay, so that's good. That's really good to know. Okay, so, yeah, you're definitely gonna want to do a deep dive. And we talked about this, when I work within the course, or one of the ones is really looking at the past, being honest with yourself of like, what was really impactful leading up to these things? Did I just get on with it? And really just push it underneath the rug. And because I was fully functioning and having children, it didn't matter. Right. Um, so we, we dive into like childhood traumas, we dive into just like, what conditions were like in your 20s Is there a big spotlight that can be like, hey, that really had an impact on you, you might not have realised it. But we're now seeing the results of it, because we never took care of that situation. And we just kept compatible children and pregnancies and COVID and, you know, getting on with life. And then the other side would be the diet. So you talk about changing up your diet. Tell us a little bit about that.

Yep. So for like, I just pretty much ended like the 90 days, but I tried to do 90 days of really high protein and high fat and lower carbs. I would not call it keto, because I was consuming too much carbs to consider true keto. But I tried to make sure I got like 100 over 100 grammes of protein every day, and tried to supplement facts where I would have gone for maybe more carbs. Um, and I upped my vegetable intake a lot because I'm not the hugest vegetable fan, but I found like that was the only way to get there calorie wise on a day. But I did decide to stop doing that because I ended up losing a lot of weight, not on purpose, but I think just because I was eating a little bit healthier. And a couple of doctors have told me now that I probably should put more weight on so I'm going to go back to like trying to eat a little bit more balanced. And add some of the carbs back in like good carbs, you know, like whole wheats and that kind of thing to try and put some more weight back on.

Yeah, um, a lot of people find that when they eat really clean like that. It's just a natural occurrence. A lot of the time it is just the inflammation coming off. And yeah, most people including myself, Yeah, are really thin. And sometimes that's a concern for them. Because obviously, you want a certain amount of weight on your body. But I think that you'll know. So I did the same thing as you. I went basically on a keto diet off of someone's advice before I knew what I know now. And I was extremely thin. Like, I didn't have an ounce of cellulite on me, right? I'm not that big. Yeah. So I at that point, yeah, so there is a line that that you'll know, in your body, like, okay, you've lost a little bit of weight, but let's face it, most, most of us are carrying more weight than we need to just due to inflammation, because we're not on the right diet. So even my clients who want to lose weight are so surprised that just by reducing their inflammatory foods that it drops off like that, and it's just a weight, really excess weight. It's just a way that you're prone to inflammation, right, like so for me, I didn't carry a lot of weight, even when I was on a really unhealthy diet for me. But like other people would write. Um, so I feel as long as you don't feel like a skeleton, and you still have a good percentage of body fat on you for your physique, huh? That's a better Mel measurement, then a BMI. Okay? Okay, so I wouldn't overthink the weight thing. Now, when you I do think a more. You don't have to be so strict on the proteins, the fats, the carbs, all those things, when really what we talk about here is finding your inflammatory foods. So you probably did that without even knowing it. So if you do introduce, you know, like grains and wheats and stuff, and maybe you feel like some discomfort, you get some bloating, skin issues, like whatever, whatever pops up, you can be like, okay, it, that's not serving me, that's, that's causing inflammation in my gut. And that's a really big place to hone in on for all fertility issues, but especially when you're having hormonal issues too. A lot of that happens within the gut. Okay? So really, just when you start reintroducing foods, really be hyper aware of what your body is saying to you. And

if you're locked up, oh,

my there, there you go. Yeah. And, you know, if you are like, oh, that didn't make me feel good, or I feel lethargic after that. That is your body's saying it doesn't. That's not good for you. Right. Okay. So just be really aware of that when you do that reintroduction. Okay. But yeah, you don't like have to be super strict on the macros and the like, amounts are strict

for 90 days. I did really good though. I know how to eat day.

No, well, good for you. Because I is right. But then I got to do 90 And I was like,

I had an awful IUI appointment I had already ovulated and my uterine lining wasn't even four and I got McDonald's on my way home. I was like those 90 days were for nothing.

What if they weren't for nothing? I say that because I do feel like I did start to feel healthier. Like I had more energy. And like you were saying I felt less bloated. So they definitely weren't for not it was definitely healthy. But in the moment I freaked out a little.

Yeah, of course. And that is like totally acceptable. 100% I had a full blown failed IVF with a grade plus plus embryo after being a year on a paleo diet. So I get it, girl, I get it. But what that 90 days is gonna set you up for is really a great healing phase. So if you can find, let's say a less stressful diet on your body because keto I mean, you were probably really close to keto. And that's, that is stressful on the body. And when you're in your healing mode for fertility especially you you want to reduce that stress, right. So I'd be interested to see. So what I do, you can do it on your own in the in group coaching or with a one to one is you fill out a week's diary. And you get really honest with yourself of like, where you're at And so, most of my clients, my Wonder ones that I've seen, they're on amazing diets. But I can still pick holes of where they're lacking. Right? They're being too abstract with

them. So I fitness Yeah, I was on my fitness pal for those 90 days, like tracking literally everything I put in my body.

Yeah. And, and a lot of the times we feel that we're doing good. But what we need right now is a large variety of different things to help that gut microbiome. I've not seen one gut health test, and I've had really healthy clients come to me that their gut microbiome is not low. So my next question would be got your diet, maybe a little bit stressed that we maybe need to work on but pretty good. What was the supplementation like for gut health, if any,

um, so I took a probiotic that my endocrinologist recommended. And then I was drinking kombucha every day for a while, but I found it was really making me bloated, so I kind of failed on that as soon as I could. Um, but like, I really don't like yoghurt. So I don't eat much yoghurt because I really have to choke it down.

Because yoghurt is not great for probiotics. So really, they're great marketing at my very great marketing. A lot of crap in those yoghurts, yeah, yep. So that that's really it. As far as what I know, maybe I'm doing something and I just don't know that it's helping my gut. Yeah. But those are the only active things I was doing.

Okay. And I'm assuming that you've never had a gut health test to see what's going on there. I have not. Yeah. So that would be another step for you too, because you don't have those obvious signs. But what I would say is that if you hook up with someone that knows what they're doing with the diet and can see where you need to improve, that's where you can maximise so I'm assuming you're not eating liver.

So I actually just bought some six after you send that email about liver I bought frickin say and I pinned a bunch of recipes so I am going to try it but I have not yet yeah. That you're going to see your health maximise with Okay, absolutely. I saw your I can choke anything down once or twice a week.

Yeah. And you can hide it right like you can chop it up really finely and put it in your mince meat. I mean, that's what I do for if I make tacos or if I make the no motto that IE you could put it in you know, the your Polonaise pet T is a really good source. I definitely do not think it tastes like liver like I've eat. I used to just eat the patties and bad I've had it before. Yeah, I wouldn't be my favourite, but I could choke that down.

Yeah. So you can if you can't find a clean source of Patay you can easily make petstay It's really that mindset of getting over what liver is and what it looks like and how it feels like once you can move past that. I mean, look, I'm not asking you to eat tongue, right, like right. So yeah, really putting in those foods that are now going to help maximise your gut health and therefore improve your uterine lining and maximise those hormones. Is is your step and it would just be interesting to see. If yeah, like I tell people to do we have like a timeline. And it's like you mark kind of your traumatic incidences, right and I talk about when I talk about trauma it's not just what society has told us to be traumatic, right, a sexual assault or physical abuse or really hard mental and emotional abuse like big events. It could be literally like I say for myself. I was always told Wendy the whiner wasn't invited. Right? So anytime I whined, or I cried, I literally got shut down. Like your your emotions are not valid. Shut up. So in reality, it wasn't a big traumatic event. I wasn't getting hit smacked. I wasn't being called stupid. I was just like literally told to stop whining stop crying suck it up. You're a big girl. Right? So over the years, especially in your childhood that adds up to your emotions aren't valid. You're not valid. You know, don't cry. Big Girls Don't Cry. Like I can tell you right now between my 20s and my mid 30s I I literally only cried several times. And I was going through a lot of IVF. I

write a cry almost every day.

And now I get teary eyed at commercials like I know, right? But yeah, so really getting honest with that and seeing where, because something happened along a certain point for your hormones to get a little bit wonky. But the good news is, is completely reversible. If you just get down to the root cause, find what ways you can now support yourself, I feel it sounds like you've done the elimination. And now it's the support and the healing. What I would say and this is what I say to my clients who are dealing with reoccurring miscarriages, is if there's space to allow yourself to stop trying, which I know is really hard because you feel time pulled out once already. Yeah. Because what happens when you're, you're improving your fertility you and you're already there, right? Like you're at that stage where you can get pregnant, but it's maintaining that pregnancy. And I don't know where that cliff is, right? We don't know where that point is of what's going to make that difference. So sometimes giving yourself a break from it. Three months to just heal. And then you don't have that added pressure. Or if you do get pregnant again. That added pressure of because it's different, right? Like once you have one miscarriage, every pregnancy after that is completely different. Like your mindset. It's so hard. Both of my boys are rainbow babies. Oh, yeah,

I hate getting a positive pregnancy test. Now I'm like, I didn't want to know that. I don't want to be until I know I'm actually pregnant. Yeah,

I just got the chills. Yeah, you just in this different mindset mentality. And so yeah, I believe when you're in the healing phase, if you can allow yourself the time, I know, it's really hard. And I don't judge you if you don't. But just to give yourself that mental clarity, to figure out exactly where you need to go. And then at the same time, work with, you know, meditation, hypnosis, emotional freedom, tapping, any one of those modalities to get your head back into a space that you can handle what's coming next. Right, because no one can predict like, yeah, we can get your health levels up to a certain point. But no one can sit here and promise you a successful pregnancy. Right? Right. So if you're now wanting to continue and willing enough to walk through whatever's coming next, setting yourself up mentally to handle those, whatever those next steps are, is going to be very beneficial to your long term journey. Right, because everyone has their breaking or their stopping point. You know, some people are like, I'm willing to go through five more miscarriages to have this baby. Right. So how are we going to handle those

guys? That's my husband. I will not do IVF that's my, that's my hard stop. Yeah. For all of you that goes through that you are amazing, amazing people in my eyes that IVF

won't cure what's going on

that? Well, that's, that's true. But yeah, yeah. Yeah.

So working on that mindset. And even though maybe you don't feel like you're stressed, or maybe you don't need it, everyone will benefit from doing these things. And that's, you know, a huge part of what I do, is I, I believe that a lot of mindset coaches out there. And there's a part of me that believes this is like, well, your mindset is the most important thing. And I said it is and I know it controls a lot of things, but we're still human beings, physical human beings on this earth that have to deal with physical issues. So if you are able to tackle it from both ends, you get the maximum benefit. So so that's where I like I would say, with you, you're on the right track with the hormone testing, and seeing where those levels are. really tune in the best nourishing diet for you now, okay, and work on those mental and emotional stress levels and just really be honest with yourself because you've been through a lot. You know, it's a lot to take on. So, so yeah, that's, that's, that's where you're going.

I appreciate that. That's good steps. I feel like those are all doable.

Yeah. massively, all doable? And yeah, I definitely sounds like you're someone who's willing to go to the edge. And then bring yourself back a little, you know, like, but it's beneficial, you know, sometimes going to the edge, you kind of know exactly what your body needs now. And sometimes that extreme is needed. Because if you don't go to that extreme, you just are left wondering. And I know that for my journey, a lot of what kept me going on was, I never wanted to look back and wonder if

had I said that to my husband the other night? Because I was like, Should we give up? Should we not because we both kind of said, three, two years ago. Now, once our son turns four, like that's going to be a and we're going to be done. And I was like, I don't think I'm ready to be done yet. And I said, I still feel like, I haven't turned over every rock, like I haven't given absolutely every, like, I haven't gone down every path. And until I do that, I think I'll always regret not trying. Yeah, so I said, we have to try until I feel like okay, we've done everything humanly in our power. And it is not God's plan for us to have a third child. Yeah, but until I'm to that point, I'm gonna keep trying.

Yeah. And everyone has their different level, right. And we all respect that different level. But honouring that with you. And when you're able to look back and go, I did everything, I really did everything that I had knowledge of, at the time, right? 10 years down the line, right, that like is a different story. But, um, but yeah, and I think that's what makes the journey. You know, like, I don't want to tell people, like don't give up. Like, that's not what it is. It's just, like, be able to look back and be proud. Whatever happens,

right? Yeah. And be able to be content at the end of the day with whatever. Yeah, happens. Because you're gonna identify stopped. Yeah.

You know, you have 50 more years on this planet. And you don't want to live those 50 years in regret. That's true. Very true. But um, yeah, be intentional with what's going on now. Find the find the joy back in being a family and growing your family. I have a client who's just about to give birth to her third, who she easily had to and struggle to have the third. So it is possible, right? It's just getting down to that root cause of what's going on. So, yeah, and hope. I've been reading several books about hope, and how it's like, the driver for everything. Which was just really kind of obvious, but like, not at the same time. It's like, yeah, of course, you have to be hopeful for anything, right. And it's not that toxic positivity. But it's that willingness, like when you have that hope you're willing to fail. You're willing to fail over and over again, because, you know, deep down that there is something at the end of the at the end of the tunnel. Yeah. There will be something there. Yeah, I know what it looks like. You don't know. But likely. Yeah.

Well, I really appreciate this. I think this is all very helpful. I'm probably going to like start with a natural path here. Yeah. And see, you know how I go there. And if I still feel like there's more mountain to climb, definitely reach out.

Well, you're, you're climbing the mountain, you know, you're on the right path. And I think that this is what these discovery calls are all about, is getting on the right track, and getting that support you need. So you're you're doing it for sure. Thank you. Yeah. Well, thank you so much for coming on and sharing your story with us. I think a lot of people are really going to resonate with this and get some hope and guidance off of it too. And that's what this is all about. So thank you.

Thank you. I appreciate the opportunity to share.

My pleasure. All right. Thank you. Bye. Thank you once again for tuning in to the finding fertility podcast. If you're loving this podcast, please leave us a rating and review and let us know how this podcast is supporting you to get steps closer to creating your dream family. I hope you have a beautiful weekend and we will see you next Friday for another episode of the finding fertility podcast.


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Anything written or said about health and diet are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me may not work for you. I am not a doctor, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Product recommendations are based on what I used during my infertility journey or wish I had.


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