Discover the Top Hidden Energetic Factors

to Getting & Staying Pregnant

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility!
Fertility diet to improve egg quality


Discover how to shift old energy that might be blocking all the hard physical work from "working" 

Fertility diet to improve egg quality


Give yourself permission to get out of survival mood & start taking steps towards thriving.

Fertility diet to improve egg quality


Start truly feeling worthy of becoming the mama bear you were born to be.

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility!

 Fertile Mind Shows You How to Shift Your Energy and Surrender to Give Your Body What it ACTUALLY Needs to Get & Stay Pregnant!

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility!

Right Now You Might Be...

🦩Frustrated that despite controlling every detail, you still can't control the outcome

🦩Feeling the pressure to 'fix' your fertility issues quickly and perfectly

🦩Unable to let go of the need to manage every aspect of your journey, even though it’s exhausting

🦩Heartbroken by setbacks, but pushing yourself to keep going, even when you're running on empty

🦩Financially stretched because you’re trying to do all the treatments and interventions

🦩Stressed out by the overwhelming amount of advice and information, yet unable to stop researching

🦩Worried that time is running out, and you can’t relax enough to let things happen naturally

🦩Frustrated with by your "fertility experts" pessimistic attitude about your chances

Regardless of where you are on your fertility journey, YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF SUCCESS.

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility!
Fertility diet to improve egg quality

Fertile Mind is SHOWING You How to Get & Stay Pregnant by Becoming Less Type-A and Surrender! 

Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility!

I got a positive pregnancy test!!

I still can’t believe it! 

The Fertility Formula pushed me to the understanding that whatever happens in my body starts in my mind. I kept hearing Monica in my head, “You don’t have to be perfect to get pregnant!” 

— Osher

I Wasn't Broken. I Was Lost.

Fertility diet to improve egg quality

Your journey to parenthood has been so hard. Much of the time you feel broken & lonely. Your doctors might not be listening & you feel a little lost.

GIRL, I KNOW! ⁣⁣But deep down you know there’s a way forward. You’re ready to make BIG changes. But big changes are scary AF! ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁠
And that’s why you’re here — to make finding your fertility less scary, more possible, and more loving along the way.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁠

Let’s make this year, the year you get closer to finding your fertility & making your DREAMS come true.

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility!

Fertile Mind guides you through In-depth Holistic Functional Fertility Modules to Increase Egg Quality & Boost Your Chances of Getting and Staying Pregnant on an Energetic Level.

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility!
Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Fertility diet to improve egg quality

Hello Beautiful!

Monica Cox here, Holistic Functional Fertility Health Coach, qualified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Subconscious Empowerment Facilitator & Fertility Issues Solver + your new support system & guide to becoming the conscious mother YOU were born to be!

When my fertility doctors told me there was nothing I could do to improve my chances of getting and staying pregnant, my heart broke. But I didn't listen!

Two beautiful baby boys later, you know those doctors were totally wrong!

You're ready to maximize your chances of getting and staying pregnant, & get steps closer to creating the family of your DREAMS & I'm here to help make that happen.

Let's do this together 💚

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility!
Fertility diet to improve egg quality

“Finding Fertility has been a huge game changer for me. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. Monica helped me realize there are actually things I can do to explain the unexplained and I’m just so, so grateful!” — Chelsea

What You Can Expect:

A no-BS approach & support from a qualified Functional Fertility Coach who not only gets what you're going through but came out the other side a happier, healthier mama to two beautiful baby boys.

You'll be able to say goodbye to Dr. Google and feel confident that you're taking the right steps [using science-backed functional medical] for YOU & your baby-to-be! 

A sense of clarity and confidence! You'll know what's working for you and what isn't, understand your mental blocks & recognise when you're self-sabotaging!

You won't feel so overwhelmed by it all! Start to feel confident that you don't have to be perfect to get & stay pregnant!

Find the JOY in the now, rediscover the person you were before, and become the mama bear you were born to be.

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility!
Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Join Today & Maximise Your Fertility

Overcome Your Fertility Issues by Building on the Physical Steps You've Already Taken!


Join Today & Discover the Top Hidden Energetic Factors to Maximise Your Chances of Creating the Family of Your D.R.E.A.M.S.

Fertile Food


Discover Hidden Energetic Factors

  • Start understanding why you haven't been able to stick with the physical commitments you know will improve your chances if success.
  • Improve your egg quality & hormones by boosting your cellular health by moving stuck old negative energy!
  • Discover how to get out of survival mode & start taking steps towards thriving through your subconscious mind.
  • Surrender & start embracing your journey with trust, allowing space for healing and growth! This will get you closer to pink lines sooner!
  • Increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally or with the support of IUI or IVF.
  • Understand why you're Type-A & how to reduce stress, slow down & rest to get your body baby-ready! 
  • Feel confident that you're taking the right steps for you & your baby to be.
  • PDF Download of 6 Steps to Boost Your Embryos Journal 
  • 10-day FREE access to "The Community" for personal coaching from Monica Cox FDN-P
  • Computer, Laptop, Tablet & Phone App Access to the Fertility Formula and Private Community 
Join Today & Maximise Your Fertility
Fertility diet to improve egg quality

Say goodbye to Dr. Google and get steps closer to creating your DREAM family! 

🦩 Modules released once a week at a manageable pace & on demand! Each week is supported by worksheets, links & action plans to map out what you specifically need to do.

🦩 Confidence that you're taking the right steps for YOU & your baby to be! You're ready to invest in yourself, making health a priority & saying enough to guessing and throwing darts in the dark!

Fertility diet to improve egg quality


Connect with like-minded women & ask questions directly to your fertility health coach.

Fertility diet to improve egg quality


Make tangible, weekly progress with incredible clarity & focus in the comfort of your own home. 

Fertility diet to improve egg quality


Worksheets, Meal Plan, Toxin Elimination, Goal Trackers & Guides to help keep you on the right track.

Join Today & Maximise Your Fertility
Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Join Today & Maximise Your Fertility


Get your questions answered with access to TWO Live Community Coaching calls every month with on-demand replays & a private community to connect directly to your personal Holistic Functional Fertility Health Coach, Monica Cox FDN-P 

You'll have seven free days to The Community to see if it's the right investment for you!

Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Join Today & Maximise Your Fertility
Fertility diet to improve egg quality

The 30-day reset was great! My skin symptoms are pretty much gone so i am feeling fantastic about that. I have lost 10 pounds in my 30 days (not even trying) so i know my body is so much happier. I'm now shifting my focus to getting my body baby ready!  - Laurie

Join Today & Maximise Your Fertility

You Might Be Asking Yourself: 

"Is Fertile Mind Right For Me?"

I have to be honest & say IT'S NOT RIGHT FOR EVERYONE!


❌ If you are not open-minded enough to consider that diet & lifestyle play an important part in getting & staying pregnant;

❌ If you are not fully committed to discover & make the necessary changes your body may need to improve your fertility health;

❌ If you aren't willing to believe in yourself & your bodies natural abilities to grow & heal;

❌ If you're about to start medical treatment within in the next 4 weeks, I do not recommend joining the Finding Fertility Formula this round.


Fertile Mind is Perfect For You When:

✅ If you have been dealing with unexplained infertility and/or have a known autoimmune issue, The Finding Fertility Forum can help you to find the root cause of your infertility.

✅ If you are looking for the support you need to make the necessary changes to get & stay pregnant, The Finding Fertility Forum is here for you! 

✅ If you are ready to gain the confidence of your bodies natural abilities of getting & staying pregnant, The Finding Fertility Forum will support you through those changes. 

✅ If you don’t want to rely solely on modern medicine to increase your chances of creating your dream family, The Finding Fertility Forum is the right online program. 

✅ If you're wanting to improve your chance of getting & staying pregnant then join The Finding Fertility Forum today!

Join Today & Maximise Your Fertility

“Finding Fertility gave me a much needed nudge to make some serious lifestyle changes. I’m going to carry those tools with me throughout this pregnancy and into motherhood, my husband too! He’s down 7lbs and I’m down 5lbs in just over a week.” -Lindsey

Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Fertility diet to improve egg quality
Fertility diet to improve egg quality


"Things are on the up!! Just had a call from my doctor to tell me my iron has gone up from 16 to 24 and my white blood cell count is up to 5.2  from 4.0 — which means I’m in the normal range! Your support is just what I needed to spur me on." - Faye

Fertility diet to improve egg quality