Get Pregnant, Stay Pregnant and Bring Home Baby 

One to One Personal Fertility Health Coaching  

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today


Greatly Improve or Even Reverse Underlining Health Issues Impacting Your Fertility!


Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant Without Drugs or Expensive Treatments


Reduce Your Chance of Another Miscarriage and Carry Your Baby to Full Term.

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

“The changes Monica helped us make not only got us our first positive pregnancy test ever, but we’ve changed the way we look & feeling our bodies and lives." - Laurie

Right Now You Might Be...

🦩Confused about your unexplained infertility

🦩Struggling with an autoimmune issue

🦩Heartbroken over another miscarriage

🦩Frustrated with expensive, failed medical interventions

🦩Overwhelmed by conflicting information about fertility health

🦩Worried about having a healthy pregnancy because of your age

🦩Upset by your doctor’s pessimistic attitude about your chances

Regardless of where you are on your fertility journey, YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF SUCCESS.

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today
Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

When they are saying "you can't", Finding Fertility is SHOWING you how you can!

Your body was designed to carry your baby. And there’s so much you can do — right now, from the comfort of your home — to make your dream of starting a family, come true. To arm yourself with the education, action, resources, and support, that can improve your chances of finally: finding fertility.

Here at Finding Fertility we take a whole-body approach & dig deep into what's really going on.

Your personal 4 week action plan covers these 6 important areas & make your D.R.E.A.M.S come true:


Get on the RIGHT diet for you. The key is to find what foods work & don't work! There's NO perfect fertility diet & you don't have to be perfect.

Rest & Recovery

Your body needs time to heal & recover! Learn how to reduce stress, slow down, exercise & rest to get your body baby ready! 


It’s time to give yourself permission to get the f*ck out of survival mood & start taking steps towards thriving. Learn how to move stuck energy & make space for baby!


Save time & money! Your fertility issues might not have anything to do with your lady bits! Start to focus on the areas your body needs to improve to help restore your fertility!


Discover how to improve your mindset & manage your stress to increase your chances of bringing home baby.


Start embracing your journey with trust, allowing space for healing and growth! This will get you closer to pink lines sooner!

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

You'll discover in 60 minutes:

*Clues into why you're REALLY dealing with fertility issues.

*Why other methods might not have worked for you in the past.

*Clear steps on what your next direction might be.

*A conversation centred around you!!

* If I'm the right Functional Fertility Health Coach for you!

You're ready for a best friend to look beyond your diagnosis & show you the areas that are actually contributing to your fertility issues.


I'm able to quickly discover what steps you need to take to become the mama bear you always wanted to be!! This comes from years of experience & looking in all the places doctors don't even consider. ⁣⁠

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

90% of the woman who come into the Finding Fertility family are already working with functional medicine doctors, but I still find areas to improve on! In many cases, it's the last missing piece of the puzzle.


Whether you can get pregnant naturally, or, need medical assistance, working one-to-one with a Functional Fertility Health Coach to make achievable lifestyle changes, can drastically improve your chances of a successful pregnancy.

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

Hello Beautiful!

Monica Cox here, Holistic Functional Fertility Health Coach, qualified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Subconscious Empowerment Facilitator & Infertility Survivor + your new support system & guide to becoming a mama!

When my fertility doctors told me there was nothing I could do to improve my chances of getting and staying pregnant, my heart broke. But I didn't f*cking listen!

Two beautiful baby boys later, you know those doctors were totally wrong!

You're surviving the hard times that years of fertility issues, failed IVFs & heartbreaking miscarriages can bring, and I'm honored to support you as you take these next steps! Let's maximize your chances of getting and staying pregnant, & get steps closer to creating the family of your DREAMS.

Let's do this together

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

I got a positive pregnancy test!! 

Monica pushed me to the understanding that whatever happens in my body starts in my mind. I kept hearing you in my head “You don’t have to be perfect to get pregnant!” 

— Osher

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

If you're experiencing one or more of the issues below, you're most likely to see incredible results when working with a Functional Fertility Health Coach!

Your Infertility Might Have NOTHING To Do With Your Lady Bits!


How do I know this? Because your doctor has told you everything looks "fine", and it's just one of those things, or you've been given a diagnosis & they've told you "there's nothing you can do about that." Yet you have all the working bits, and you know deep down it's possible.

👆🏼 My girl "O"

Doctors told her after failed IUI's that there was nothing she could do & IVF was her next step. I called BS!! A few months after we discovered the root cause of her thyroid issues she got pregnant naturally with a beautiful baby boy!!! 

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

After Your Discovery Call, You Can Choose What 1:1 Coaching Package Works Best for You: 

Find the ROOT CAUSE of Your Fertility Issues.

Improve Your Egg Quality 

Discover Your Perfect Fertility Diet

Understand How Your "Normal" Health Issues Can Be Contributing to Your Infertility

Support Your Mindset & Discover How to Manage Your Stress to Improve Your Fertility

Get steps closer to creating the family of your D.R.E.A.M.S! 

Functional Fertility Coaching


Get the Physical, Mental & Emotional Support You Deserve to Create the Family of Your D.R.E.A.M.S

  • 6x One-hour Coaching Sessions with Subconscious Empowerment Facilitation
  • Review or Order up to 4 Functional Tests*
  • Personal 4-week Action Plan - Covering all six areas of D.R.E.A.M.S
  • Detailed Intake Process
  • Core Belief Balance [done behind the scenes with high-self permission]
  • Medical Intuitive Reading from Abigail or a 7th One-hour Coaching Session with Subconscious Empowerment Facilitation
  • E-mail & Telegram Communication for the length of our time together [this could be three months or more - no journey is linear and I'm here to support you on your path.]
  • 6 Months FREE Access to the Finding Fertility Community & The Six Essential Steps On-demand Program
  • Your Discovery Call Fee is deducted from the coaching package & a three-month payment plan is available. 
Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

Subconscious Empowerment Facilitation


Gain the Knowledge & Be Empowered to Become the Conscious Mama You Were Born to Be!

  • 8 Private 1:1 Session 
  • Core Belief Balance [done behind the scenes with high-self permission]
  • Soal Intuitive Reading from Abigail [done behind the scenes with high-self permission]
  • Telegram Personal Communication for 3 Months
  • 6 Months FREE Access to the Finding Fertility Community & The Six Essential Steps On-demand Program
  • Your Discovery Call Fee is deducted from the coaching package & a three-month payment plan is available. 
Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today
Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

Imagine what it would feel like to surprise yourself with good news about your fertility.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁠ ⁣⁣

Like my girl C here! 12 fu*cking years 🤯 & not once did the doctors try to discover why.⁣⁣ She had been using medical assistance for years [and has 2 beautiful babies] but after a failed IVF, her doctor told her that she needed an egg donor - WTF! ⁣⁣
Something clicked & she decided to take matters into her own hands & came to me for support! When you enter the Finding Fertility Family we immediately start working on shifting your mindset and your goals!⁣⁣
YES! Pregnancy is your ultimate goal, but you're going to have BIG wins [some you didn't even know you needed] before you get there!!⁣⁣
When you stop hyper-focusing on the expectation of "just" being pregnant month after month & start working on small achievable goals, you can win in more ways than one.⁣⁣⁠⁣⁠⁣⁠⁣⁣

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

Build on the holistic fertility support you've already put into place!

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

A no BS approach & support from a qualified Functional Fertility Coach who not only gets what you're going through but came out the other side a happier, healthier mama to two beautiful baby boys.

You'll be able to say goodbye to Dr. Google and feel confident that you're taking the right steps [using science-backed functional medical] for YOU & your baby to be! 

A sense of clarity and confidence that you are taking the right steps for your body! You'll know what's working for you and what isn't, understand your mental blocks & how to recognise when you're self-sabotaging!

You won't feel so overwhelmed by it all! You'll start to feel confident that you don't have to be perfect to get & stay pregnant!

You'll start to find the JOY in the now, rediscover the person you were before, and start becoming the mama bear you've always wanted to be.

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today


Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today

Infertility itself is a symptom that something or many things are not working in harmony and chances are you’re now dealing with a symptom of infertility:

Irregular Menstrual Cycles, Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Low AMH, Hormonal Imbalance, POCS, Weight Issues, Endometriosis, Autoimmune Issues, Ovarian Cysts, Recurrent Miscarriages or Hypothyroidism – just to name a few.

You might be dealing with unexplained infertility (like I did for years) or you have a health issue that the doctors say are unrelated, but deep down you feel it’s hindering your chances.  

This is when knowledge about true fertility health is vital.

Wherever you are in your journey, working one to one with a Functional Fertility Health Coach will give you the action steps needed to get steps closer to creating the family of your DREAMS!

You've found the right support to help make your DREAMS come true if....

  • You're positive your body can change and heal
  • You're committed to improving your fertility health
  • You're open-minded about what can help you reach your goal
  • You're ready to change your daily lifestyle to optimize fertility
  • You're looking for a source of experienced and results-based knowledge
  • You're wanting to go above and beyond relying solely on modern medicine 

You’re ready to be proactive about improving your fertility. It’s time to prepare your body to get pregnant, stay pregnant, and bring home baby.

Join the Women Who Have Found Their Fertility & Book Your Discovery Call Today



"I never expected to see results so fast!"


“I love your real-ness, Monica!”


“I couldn’t have gotten here without you, Monica.” 


“Finding Fertility has been a huge game-changer for me.”